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Chelsea Human Rights Commission sends plan to city council for consideration

Consideration of the Chelsea Human Rights Commission’s survey as well as its plan for the first part of 2018 are expected to be on the agenda for the Chelsea City Council Nov. 27.

At its Nov. 15 meeting, the Human Rights Commission unanimously approved a motion to accept the survey and the phase one plan and to submit both to City Council in time for its Nov. 27 meeting.

HRC members agreed to add a question on the survey regarding age range for survey respondents to learn from whom the information is coming. The results of the survey will help the HRC prioritize issues.

Among the HRC’s goals for 2018 are making the public aware of the HRC, distribution and collection of the surveys, presenting results of the surveys to City Council, and collaboration on educational activities.

HRC members hope to get everything approved by City Council by its final meeting of the year on Dec. 18.

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