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Chelsea Human Rights Commission works on bylaws, complaint form

By Lisa Carolin

The Chelsea Human Rights Commission spent its May 17 meeting revising two documents: a complaint form and bylaws with the hope of approving both documents very soon.

“The longer it takes to get a form, the longer we’re not being effective,” said HRC member Tammy Stiles Beechey.

HRC member Susan Morrel-Samuels suggested that the complaint form be consistent with the ordinance. The complaint form has a check list that includes family status, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, marital status, national origin, race, religion, veteran status, and source of income.

The commission unanimously approved a motion to request changes to the complaint form as discussed and to have it brought back at the next meeting.

A majority of HRC members, who read the city of Ann Arbor’s Human Rights Commission’s bylaws, agreed to base the Chelsea HRC bylaws on Ann Arbor’s. They edited Ann Arbor’s bylaws during the meeting to make them appropriate for Chelsea.

The commission unanimously approved a motion to request that bylaw revisions be completed and brought for consideration at the next meeting.

Once approved by the Chelsea HRC, the bylaws will then go to the Chelsea City Council for approval.

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