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Field hockey for all ages

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Sharon Kegerreis for the information in this story.)

Spring Field Hockey Opportunities
Chelsea Field Hockey announces upcoming opportunities to play field hockey. Youth interested in learning the game, practicing stick skills, honing game tactics and finessing teamwork can sign up to play field hockey now.

Club Play Opportunities for ages 10 to 18
Ann Arbor-based Pinnacle and Fer De Lance field hockey clubs offer year-round training and leagues. Brand new Live Oak, based in Novi, offers training as well. The clubs also provide optional travel team opportunities. The training is very dynamic and the collegiate coaches, led by additional expert coaches, offer highly skilled tactical training. Leagues are sometimes just competitive games, while other leagues combine training and competitive play opportunity.

Ann Arbor Rec and Ed’s Spring Field Hockey for 3rd – 8th graders
Varsity Chelsea Field Hockey players will aid in coaching skills during Wednesday practices from 6-7 p.m. in Chelsea, starting April 12. Similar to Chelsea Community Education, the program relies on parent team managers to oversee practices and competitive weekend games held on Ann Arbor fields. Games start the weekend of April 22 and are scheduled through early June.

Chelsea Field Hockey’s June Whip-It Camp, June 19-23, for 4th – 12th graders.
Varsity Coaches Leslie Fry and Casey Fry lead this annual camp at Pierce Lake Field with additional support provided by Varsity athletes. It is a fun week of training and competitive play. Registration will open soon on Chelsea Field Hockey’s website.
“Playing hockey off season is a great opportunity for a player to develop stick skills, off-ball movements and expand understanding of the game,” says Coach Leslie.
Chelsea Field Hockey is a Chelsea High School (9th-12th) and Beach Middle School (6th-8th) self-funded sport.

Visit for more details about the spring field hockey opportunities. Registration for school teams will open soon. A registration meeting will be in late May or early June.

Contact Sharon Kegerreis with any questions at [email protected].

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