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May 1: Chelsea Chamber ribbon cutting planned at Chelsea Underground Art Gallery

Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce logoThe Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce will host a ribbon cutting on Friday, May 1 for Chelsea’s newest art gallery, Chelsea Underground Art Gallery below street level at 105 ½ South Main St. at 10 a.m.

Everyone is invited to see this new business, which will then hold its grand opening on Saturday, May 2 from 5-8 p.m.

The Opening Exhibition is titled ‘From the Outside Looking In: Diversity and Community’ and will highlight the works of artist Richard Meyer from New York City whose work brings the full range of ethnicities, urban outsider cultures, and the disabled into community and equality.

Courtesy photo. The entrance to the Chelsea Underground Art Gallery.
Courtesy photo. The entrance to the Chelsea Underground Art Gallery.

From Strasbourg, France, Jeannette Gregori‘s photography honors the dignity of Roma, ‘Gypsies’ and Sinti communities in Europe. Exhibited by Amnesty International, she also served as press service to Council of Europe. High quality works from local potter Doug Worthington, sculptor Rick De Troyer and carpenter Matthew Millar are also part of the show.

Chelsea Underground Art Gallery is selective in its artists, only choosing to represent the highest standards of artistic and technical excellence and social meaning. We recognize the meaning of art is to be found in opening up worlds. Our investment is in the human spirit.

The artists we show embody a deep social awareness, reflecting humanitarian concerns and the value of diversity. Accordingly, it is of the utmost importance for them to place their art in the everyday world.

Courtesy photo.
Courtesy photo.
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