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Nature’s Creation of Life at the Chelsea Community Fair

File photo from a previous fair of a mama cow.
File photo from a previous fair of a mama cow.

Be sure to stop by the Nature’s Creation of Life exhibit in the red barn while you are at the Chelsea Community Fair that begins Tuesday, Aug. 19 and runs through Saturday, Aug. 23.

Expected are a pregnant cow that will hopefully give birth during fair hours, a sow and multiple piglets, several young lambs, goats and baby chicks hatched in an incubator during fair week.

Lynette Powell, a superintendent of the Nature’s Creation exhibit also said there will be a sheep shearing demonstration beginning at 4 p.m. on both Tuesday, Aug. 19 and Friday, Aug. 22 as well as Saturday after the fair parade ends.

She said that in addition, there will be wool spinners on Tuesday and Friday.

So, be sure to stop by the red barn and learn information about farm animals. There are numerous signs posted and there will be livestock farmers on hand to answer your questions, so don’t be shy.

Lambs in the Nature's Creation of Life barn.
Lambs in the Nature’s Creation of Life barn.
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