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City approves 1-year IT contract with Ann Arbor

File photo. Kim Garland

The Chelsea City Council unanimously approved a 1-year contract renewal with the City of Ann Arbor for information technology support at a cost of $55,614 at its regular meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 22.

“I am absolutely thrilled to bring this contract to you,” said Kim Garland, administrative services director, adding, “This has been very successful (partnership).”

Chelsea and Ann Arbor have had an information technology contract since February 2011 when Ann Arbor hired Chelsea’s former intern, Jonathan Bougher, who still performs work for Chelsea.

Although the new contract includes a $23,000 increase over last year’s agreement, the city has added IT services for its police department, now that the police are in a new building and have additional needs. Also planned this year is a new website design.

The costs for the contract have been allocated across six funds by percentage based on usage. So, for example, 30 percent of the cost, or $16, 684 will be paid by both the general fund and police department, while just 5 percent, or $2,781, is paid by the solid waste fund.

The contract is expected to be on the Feb. 7 Ann Arbor City Council agenda.

In other business, City Engineer Christine Linfield and Council Members Cheri Albertson and Frank Hammer were reappointed to the Wellhead Protection Board of Appeals. When other boards and commission appointments were made at the last meeting, this board was omitted from the list.

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