The lazy, hazy days of summer mean the countdown is on to finish your green barn entries.
The vegetables and fruit plentiful in my garden. How about in yours?
My flowers are quite happy as well. So it might be time to think about potential floral entries, too.
All the information you need can be found here.
That third full week in August — fair runs from Aug. 20-24 — will be here before you know it, so test out your baked goods recipes and get that canning done, too.
There are many classes for arts and crafts creations and you have time to take some photos and properly mount them as well.
Have you been putting off finishing your needlework, sewing, crochet or quilting project – the time is now to get them done for fair this year.
Not sure where to start?
Go to and take a look at the premium book for inspiration.
Remember, you can enter Agriculture, Antiques, Baking, Canning, Floriculture, Arts and Hobbies, Photography, Machine Sewing and Needlework.
How ambitious are you feeling?
Maybe you should consider entering the homemaker or junior homemaker competition by entering many exhibits across all the different departments.
All entries must be brought to the fairgrounds on Sunday, Aug. 18 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.