(Chelsea Update would like to thank Joan Gaughan for the information in this story.)
In mid-February, the 100 Women Who Care – Chelsea Area Giving Circle announced the award of a $10,000 grant to the Adult Learners Institute (ALI).
The generosity of the women will allow ALI to not only keep its tuition for classes as low as possible but also it will enable it to increase the scope and impact of its classes.
While the Covid epidemic impacted ALI’s finances, it also taught the organization how to get better. To accommodate shut-ins and others unable to physically attend classes, ALI bought audio-visual equipment as well as a Zoom membership that enabled it to offer hybrid in-person as well as Zoom classes. This grant will allow ALI to further broaden its technological capabilities.
The organization would like to be able to record classes and make them available online and put together a mobile studio to control the quality of its videos.
Since its founding in 2020, the 100 Women Who Care has awarded more than $100,000 to nine nonprofit organizations in the Chelsea area including Faith in Action, St. Louis Center, Ele’s Place, HouseN2Home, the Chelsea Senior Center, Webster Township Historical Society, Chelsea Robotics Boosters and, most recently, the Adult Learners Institute.
This grant recognizes ALI’s faith in the value of lifelong learning beyond the traditional classroom and also allows it to respond to new opportunities to reach more deeply into our communities.
For that, ALI is grateful.