(Chelsea Update would like to thank Jean M. Vargas for the information in this story.)
On Friday, Nov. 22, the Chelsea Senior Center held its Annual Don Cole Community Thanksgiving luncheon.
Two hundred and 18 lunches of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes with gravy, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie were served. The whole meal was very tasty. Members had a great time along with volunteers from community services and organizations, board members, and staff.
Planning for the event emphasized the Chelsea Zero Waste Coalition’s efforts toward a Zero Waste goal. Compostable plates and cups were used with our regular flatware. A choice was made to eliminate the place mats we used last year. Still, the tables looked very festive with center pieces made by a member.
Volunteers from the Chelsea Zero Waste Coalition along with help from the community volunteers and attendees made cleanup fairly simple and quick. All the food, cups and plates went into composting (75 pounds). That means that 98% of the waste was diverted from the landfill; less than 2 pounds went to the landfill (mostly butter wrappers and creamer cups).
A special thanks to the Don Cole Family, volunteers from many community organizations, Senior Center board members and staff who made this possible.