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Chelsea City Council annual visioning session tonight at The Depot

The Chelsea City Council will hold its annual visioning session tonight, Feb. 5 from 4-6 p.m. at The Depot.

This session is open to the public. City Council and staff are expected to review the goals set in previous years, then discuss issues and projects for the upcoming year.

Among the items on the agenda is a discussion of Robert’s Rules of Order, city-owned property, and goals and objectives.

The agenda also includes proposed key dates for the year.

Among those proposed key dates are:

  • Feb. 26: proposed work session with Sylvan, Lima and Lyndon townships
  • April 23: budget work session
  • May 14: public hearing on the budget and utility rates
  • May 28: budget and rate adoption
  • July 1: start of new fiscal year
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