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Chelsea City Council approves Master Plan

By Lisa Carolin

The City of Chelsea officially has a new Master Plan.

The Chelsea City Council had one order of business at its Aug.19 agenda and that was to consider the approval of a resolution to adopt the new Master Plan, and it did so unanimously.

Council member Jane Pacheco reminded City Council members that the first draft of the Master Plan was recommended by the Chelsea Planning Commission in September of 2017.

“The Planning Commission did a tremendous amount of work and did a great job,” said Pacheco. “It’s not a legislative document. It’s a guide so that we have a framework when we’re evaluating proposed development and planned growth in our community.”

The Master Plan includes guidelines and recommendations to manage growth and development in the Chelsea community. It includes sections on land use, transportation, economic development, heritage and culture, healthy communities, age friendliness, recreation and entertainment, and environmental quality.

The Master Plan can be found here.

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