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Chelsea City Council Covers Wide Range of Topics at Fall Visioning Review Session

With the first quarter of the fiscal year coming to an end, the Chelsea City Council held an about two-hour visioning review session via Zoom on Oct. 13.

The elected officials discussed numerous topics that ranged from potential projects for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to economic development, parks and recreation and housing.

With $565,000 in ARPA funds coming the city’s way, which can only be used for certain allowable uses – such as water and sewer infrastructure, broadband and housing – the elected officials began discussions of three potential “shovel ready” projects:

  • An interconnect with Sylvan Township to provide redundancy for the city’s water system.
  •  Hayes Street water main replacement.
  •  Chandler Street water and sewer main replacement.

The City Council also reviewed the planned potential about 1,200 housing units that have site plan approval as well as additional housing units planned for the surrounding townships, which will have an effect on traffic and other city resources. (See map at the end of this story.)

From the need for more parks and greenspace to an update on the multiple types of housing stock that will be available in the next five years, the elected officials covered a wide variety of topics.  

For the full discussion, please click here for the audio produced by Randy Lee of RK Studios.

The meeting ended with key dates for 2022 that include the annual early February visioning session.

In April, there will be rate discussions, May budget work sessions, a public hearing on the budget and utility rates and by early June, the FY 2022-2023 budget adoption.

July 1 marks the start of the city’s new fiscal year.

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