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Chelsea City Council Makes Planning Commission Appointments

After listening to a presentation from the Human Rights Commission (attached below) about a recent training session, the Chelsea City Council reappointed three members to its Planning Commission.

Sarah Haselschwardt, Vince Elie and Kyle Brayton were reappointed to the Planning Commission for terms that expire June 30, 2024.

A request to convene a committee to complete a diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) assessment was moved to the city’s mid-year visioning session in October.

The City Council did approve a request from the Human Rights Commission to partner with the Chelsea District Library, Chelsea Hospital and Chelsea Area Chamber of Commerce for an employer DEI training session. (See information below)

The elected officials also approved with amendments, a development agreement for Heritage Farms Development and voted to accept $566,885 in Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund allocations. Half of the money will be allocated this year and half next year.

If you would like to listen to the entire City Council meeting, including comments from two city residents, please click here.    

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