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Chelsea Kiwanis Club Hears From Mott’s Child and Family Life Program Representatives

Photo (L-R) Chelsea Kiwanis President Haley Thomsen, Mott Hospital Child Life Specialists Heather Meyer and Mary Rumple.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

Last Monday, the Chelsea Kiwanis Club heard from Heather Meyer and Mary Rumple from Mott Children’s Hospital’s Child and Family Life Program. Both women are Certified Child Life Specialists and have worked at the hospital for many years. Heather has a master of social work degree, and Mary is a Certified Educator of Infant Massage Training and Certification.

In 1922, the Kiwanis Club of Ann Arbor began working with the University of Michigan Hospital to be the first hospital to provide recreation and education for children staying there for long periods of time. Since 1934, support has come from Kiwanis Clubs throughout the Michigan District, and programs have grown to include three more hospitals in Grand Rapids, Petoskey, and Detroit. More than $200,000 is donated each year to the four programs. There are now more than 560 child life programs within hospitals around the world.

Heather and Mary help lead a staff of 60 at the hospital and surrounding medical facilities in southeast Michigan. They aim to reach each child within 48 hours of admission, and empower kids and their families with tools to face challenging medical experiences. Using creativity and various props, they are able to distract children during procedures that might otherwise be too frightening.

You can find the Kiwanis delicious gourmet nuts and delicious delights at the pop up farmers market today at The Depot from 11-3:30 p.m.


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