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Chelsea Kiwanis Club Hears from the Chelsea Police Department

Courtesy photo. Photo (L-R) Officer Tom Gilbreath, Kiwanis President Haley Thomsen, Chief Kevin Kazyak, Officer Sean Lee.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

Last Monday, the Chelsea Kiwanis Club welcomed Chelsea Police Chief Kevin Kazyak and Officers Tom Gilbreath and Sean Lee to give an update on activities and plans for the department. 

Chief Kazyak summarized his career, most recently rising to Deputy Chief in Waterford before coming to Chelsea. 

The number one priority continues to be protection of and service to the Chelsea community. 

The department belongs to the Community Public Safety Strategic Planning Group and partners with Chelsea School District, 5 Healthy Towns, and social workers to address mental health issues. The department is responsible for training crossing guards for school children and helps with Walk to School Wednesdays. In the summer, police help with Safety Town and the Chelsea Community Fair.

Chief Kazyak talked about School Resource Officers that some districts in the area use.

The Red Barrel program used to collect unwanted drugs has been successful. After collection, the drugs (no liquids or needles are accepted) are sent to Grand Rapids for incineration.

It’s important that citizens, especially children, can approach police officers with questions or concerns. It saddens the chief that when he is dining in a restaurant, many times parents there will say to their children that the police are there to take them away.

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