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Chelsea Medicine and Laser offers state of the art medical and aesthetic care

Tonya Kunkle, Dr. Diane Howlin in the laser room at Chelsea Medicine and Laser.
Skin products available at Chelsea Medicine and Laser.

You might call Diane Howlin, M.D., F.A.C.P. the laser doc.

She works with the newest laser technology on the market and is certified in treatments for just about anything that ails you.

Perhaps the Chelsea Medicine and Laser mission statement might provide a more succinct insight into her practice’s philosophy: “To provide state of the art medical and aesthetic care in a friendly small office environment, individualizing care for each patient.”

Dr. Howlin and her associates, Dr.  Carla Page, D.O., and Dr. Nicole Tromble, M.D. offer a wide range of laser, minimally invasive aesthetic procedures including “Intense Pulsed Light”, or IPL, which corrects conditions such as rosacea, broken capillaries and small veins.

They offer treatments for acne or precancerous lesions, hair reduction, spider or varicose veins.

Additional services include microdermabrasion, peels, and facials.

Would you like to give your skin a boost for the holidays? There’s an inexpensive laser facial treatment for that.

Dr. Carla Page looks at files.

Are you trying to quit smoking before 2013 or want to blast belly fat to look better for all those holiday parties? Howlin provides laser treatments for those problems, too.

Back pain or plantar warts? Do you suffer from neuralgia? Talk to Howlin about those conditions, too.

Or, what about that tattoo that seemed like such a good idea at the time? There’s a pain-free laser treatment to make it disappear as well.

Howlin provides these painless laser treatments in her 1620 Commerce Park Dr. office nestled in Suite 100.

In fact, she has 10 different lasers “that can do anything,” from facials to hair restoration. For more information about the practice, click here.

Howlin, who has been in practice for 21 years, is well known for skin care treatments that can remove unwanted blotches, while texturing and toning the skin. Plus, she has a skin rejuvenation process that includes an extensive skin care product line.

From botox to fillers, “no one but a doctor does the injections,” she says.

The board certified internist says she specializes in aesthetic medicine and is certified on every laser procedure she performs.

“We provide the latest, greatest techniques with good science behind it,” she says.

In fact, she recently purchased a new laser that will melt body fat. She said it’s strapped on like a belt and her clinic is the first American site to use the new technique that originated in England.

“It’s a 20-minute treatment,” she says.

Howlin and her husband, who is child psychologist, have lived in Chelsea for 26 years, and the practice includes eight full-time and part-time employees.

The staff can help you restore, refresh and rejuvenate your life – just in time for Christmas.

A view of a few of the 10 different lasers at Chelsea Medicine and Laser.



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