By Lisa Carolin
With summer just a few weeks away, the Chelsea Parks and Recreation Commission wants to remind everyone that this is the time to sign up for a variety of opportunities to volunteer for Timbertown Reimagined.
Both volunteer and donation opportunities were talked about at the commission’s June 4 meeting. Go to the website for more information.
Timbertown’s play structure and pavilion are scheduled to be fenced off after the Fourth of July weekend, but the new pavilion will still be usable.
As a result of the Timbertown closure, the Rec-it Tuesday Knockerball event on July 16 sponsored by the parks commission will be moved to Pierce Elementary school.
Also at the June 4 meeting, it was announced that there are two dead oak trees at Pierce Park that need to be removed with the suggestion that they be replaced by native trees. Parks commission members have started a new Friends of Pierce Park group that meets on the first and third Sundays every month from May through August.
A representative from Midwestern Consulting, LLC in Ann Arbor addressed members of the commission at the meeting about the types of improvements that need to be made at recreation sites in Chelsea with regard to the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act). Providing a safe and equitable experience for everyone was discussed. Inspections should be done every 3 to 5 years that include parking lots and spaces, ramps and approaches, play elements, and bathroom facilities for possible liability issues.
The parks commission’s next meeting is on July 9 at 9 a.m.