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Chelsea Parks Commission plans Tuesday night programs

By Lisa Carolin

The Pierce Park Improvement Plan received some discouraging news that was shared by Chelsea City Manager John Hanifan at the Chelsea Parks Commission’s April 2 meeting.

Hanifan reported that the Patronicity Campaign, a civic crowdfunding platform, is on hold because officials at Patronicity are not convinced that Chelsea needs help with funding the Pierce Park project.

He said that to complete the project, which is estimated to cost just over $200,000, funding from Patronicity is important. He will follow up by taking Patronicity’s recommendation to rewrite the opening paragraphs of the request.

Parks Commission members also talked about planning programming in the upcoming months at various parks in Chelsea. Some of that programming will take place on Tuesday evenings between 6:30-8:00 p.m. and will include ultimate frisbee, knockerball, lawn games, and board games.

June 1 was chosen as the date for the annual Parks Cleanup Day, which will run from 10 a.m.-noon.

The next meeting of the Parks Commission will take place on Tuesday, May 7, at 9 a.m. at Timber Town.

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