By Lisa Carolin
What can Chelsea residents do to learn the latest information when there’s a water main break in the city?
That topic was addressed by Chelsea City Manager Marty Colburn at the Sept. 3, City Council meeting in response to the water main break that occurred on Aug.23 and was eventually found at the corner of Sibley Road and M-52 and led to hundreds of calls from concerned residents.
Colburn advised residents to get the free app NIXLE on their cell phones. It’s an emergency response communications system. He also recommended going to the city website with the option to sign up for email notification and to check the city’s Facebook page.
Also at the Sept. 3 meeting, City Council approved Mayor Jane Pacheco as the voting delegate representing the City of Chelsea at the Michigan Municipal League Annual Conference next week and Colburn as the alternate voting delegate.
Council approved the adoption of Resolution 2024-23 in support for the submission of a Connecting Communities Grant Application to Washtenaw County Parks & Recreation to provide a connection between the Border-to-Border route through downtown Chelsea, the B2B trailhead in TimberTown, and the planned Letts Creek Linear Park that will connect to Sylvan Township.
Also approved was one of seven bids to reconstruct Harrison Street and the sidewalk gap infill for the amount of $437,121.31 from Fonson Company. The professional services agreement with Midwestern Consultants for $117,500 for the Harrison Street Reconstruction project was also approved.
City council adopted Resolution 2024-24 approving the application from Dan Kolander on behalf of Chelsea Tavern, Inc. for a Class C DDA License for the Chelsea location at 110 W. Middle St., the former Chelsea Burger location, as well as a DDA District Class C Liquor License.
In other action, the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Chelsea and the Police Officers Association of Michigan for the period of July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2027 was approved.
Council approved the Michigan Public Power Agency Project Support Contract between the City of Chelsea and the MPPA.
Approved on first reading were the Solar Ordinance draft amendments recommended by the Chelsea Planning Commission to remove the existing provision prohibiting street-level visibility of building-mounted solar panels in the M-52 Overlay Zoning District, Section 4.29-G(3) because the provision introduces unnecessary ambiguity.
City Council meets next on Monday, Sept. 16 at 7 p.m.