(Chelsea Update would like to thank coach Adam French for the information in this story.)
Chelsea wrestled in a good old-fashion rivalry, but came up a few points shy losing to Dexter, 45-30.
Wrestling well for the Bulldogs were Aiden Fernandez, Will McEachern, Steve Bleise, Tristan Koch, Ryan Eisley and Jacob Gaken.
“This was a meet we had circled at the beginning of the year and we really wanted to get the victory,” said Wrestling Coach Adam French, who added, “I was proud of how the boys wrestled and how great the fan support was on both sides.”
He said things just didn’t seem to go our way and a couple of close matches ended up in the Dreadnaught’s favor.
“The rivalry between these two programs is a ton of fun and I can’t wait until next year,” he said.
In addition, Monroe beat Chelsea, 50-22.