(Chelsea Update would like to thank Tim Eder for the information in this story.)
Lyndon Township will be hosting a public hearing to invite input from residents on Dec. 6 at 6:30 p.m for its draft Recreation Plan at at the Township Hall, 17751 North Territorial Road.
The draft 2023 – 2027 Lyndon Township Recreation Master Plan articulates a vision for parks and recreation in the Township, building off of the 2017 Recreation Plan and revising the vision for the community based on new survey data and other relevant information.
The purpose of the plan is to guide recreation planning and development efforts of the Township over the next five-year period, to December 2027.
Once adopted, the plan is the official document to be used by the community to guide decisions regarding parks and recreation. This plan is also intended to meet the state’s standards for community recreation planning that are necessary to gain eligibility for grant programs.
The draft plan can be reviewed at the township’s website at https://lyndontownshipmi.gov/draft-lyndon-township-parks-and-recreation-master-plan-2022/