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3 thoughts on “Federal Screw Factory demolition in photos: And then there was a front wall”

  1. Has it ever been determined how much ground contamination there is on the Federal Screw site, due to the years of oil that that probably leached into the ground under the building?

  2. It is so weird to see this building coming down. Each time I come home from college, a little more is gone. I haven’t been home in a couple weeks now, so I haven’t seen it even now. It’s going to be so different without it. As a child, I remember seeing trucks back into the building or pull out onto Main Street. Always messing with traffic I guess. My family has history there too as my grandmother used to work there. I guess it’s sentimental in that way and I think I’m a little sad to see it going even though there’s nothing going on in it and it probably needs to come down anyways. Still a good piece of history for this town.

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