By Lisa Carolin
The revised final site plans for SP23-02 for Phase 1 of the Heritage Farms development located on APN 06-07-06-360-006 was unanimously approved with conditions by the Chelsea Planning Commission at its April 18 meeting.
The Heritage Farms development consists of a six-phase 231-unit condo Planned Unit Development (PUD) with 48 units proposed in Phase 1, ranging from 7,200 square feet to 12,709 square feet. The development will be located on a 105-acre site along the north side of Dexter-Chelsea Road.
The conditions detailed in the staff review letter include grading, traffic impact mitigation, irrigation, installation and maintenance.
The review letter is based on the April 14 plans, which include reducing lot widths from an average of 80 feet to 60 feet wide and reducing street trees to one tree per lot frontage.
David Straub, the development’s current applicant, said the hope is to break ground early this summer.