Everyone is invited to the kick-off meeting for Chelsea Safe Routes to Schools on Thursday, Oct. 11 at 7 p.m. at South Meadows School.
And, there are refreshments scheduled for 6:30 p.m.
The Chelsea and Dexter Wellness Coalitions have joined forces with the Chelsea Area Wellness Foundation and Michigan State University’s Small Town Design Initiative for the Safe Routes to School Program (SR2S), according to information about the program.
“SR2S is a nationally recognized intervention that provides students more opportunities to safely walk or ride their bikes to school. The program examines traffic patterns, the built environment, obstacles towards non-motorized transportation and more. When routes are safe, walking or biking to and from school is an easy way to get the regular physical activity children need for good health,” the information states.
Plans will be developed for Beach Middle School and South Meadows Elementary, according to the information.
The meeting offers the community the chance to “give their input on the current barriers to safe walking and biking, especially for K-8 students.”
South Meadows is located at 335 Pierce St. and more information can be found here.