(Chelsea Update would like to thank the Chelsea Community Kitchen for this information.)
October brings all the final garden goodies–and many of them can be stored in an old fashioned root cellar.
On Oct. 24, from 7-9 p.m. everyone’s invited to learn how to best store vegetables from experts Emily Springfield and Arika Lycan at the Michigan Friends Center, 7748 Clark Lake Road.
They will teach attendees how to use natural cold storage and how to build and use a root cellar.
This is a Chelsea Community Kitchen program held in partnership with the Michigan Friends Center, you’ll even get to take home a mini-root cellar of your own.
Springfield is the founder of Preserving Traditions, a Southeast Michigan group dedicated to year-round local eating. She teaches classes in gardening, food preservation, and cooking with local ingredients and is dedicated to the idea that cooking is not a spectator sport, according to the CCK website.
Lycan works in the nonprofit sector in Ann Arbor, and spends free evenings in her garden and/or kitchen. In her 300 square-foot backyard garden, she grows a variety of veggies, herbs and fruits, and enjoys cooking, canning, drying and preserving her favorite seasonal produce.
This co-sponsored class costs $20 per person. To register, click here.