Dear Editor:
Lima Township needs a team that can be relied upon to work together to serve the best interests of the residents. We need leaders who can be trusted to comply with township ordinances, communicate respectfully with each other and the voters, and conduct public meetings in a professional manner, thereby honoring the public they have the privilege to serve.
Our leaders have an obligation to be transparent in all aspects of their responsibilities. Please cast your vote for this “dream team” of candidates who will work together to achieve all this and more for Lima Township.
Supervisor – William VanRiper, local farmer and advocate for timely work on roads, bridges and infrastructure for the township
Clerk – Ann Kwaske, write-in candidate and current Clerk who is methodically upgrading the township in the latest technology as a retired engineer and data analyst
Trustee – Jennifer Evens, Thorton Farms resident and dedicated, concerned citizen who currently serves as alternate to the vice-chair on the Chelsea Area Fire Authority Board
Trustee – Greg McKenzie, retired architect and current Lima Township Trustee (aka the glue that’s presently holding the board together)
If you vote straight-party Democrat, you can still cast your vote for William VanRiper for Lima Township Supervisor.
Please cast your vote for our exceptional clerk, Ann Kwaske, by writing her name on your ballot under “Clerk”. Kwaske is the fourth Clerk for Lima Township in less than three years. A vote for Kwaske is a vote for order, stability and competence.
Please note that Jennifer Evens is unaffiliated with any party. If you vote straight ticket Republican, you can still vote for both Jennifer Evens and Greg McKenzie individually. Evens and McKenzie will work between meetings, getting the information needed to make responsible and timely decisions and to help the Board best serve the people of Lima Township.
Thank you for your consideration.
Teresa Reynhout
Former Lima Township Clerk