Dear Editor:
In my July 6th Letter to the Editor, I focused on Duane Luick as I knew nothing about his challenger for Supervisor, Bill Van Riper.
Nor did I know anything about Nanette Havens’ challenger for Treasurer, Phillip Kwaske.
In the July 8th Chelsea Update, Bill Van Riper and Phillip Kwaske answered questions about their positions running for office. I see red flags.
Below are my observations of the two challengers’ responses to questions.
In Mr. Van Riper’s response to “top priorities as an elected official”…. the township hall. He states “maintaining the existing town hall, that has not been done in decades. Putting construction of addition…on hold until better economic times…using those funds” for other things.
I find this totally irrational and uninformed. This issue has been going on for almost 20 years. The renovation with addition has been approved and ready to go. Debt free. After the July 8th Board meeting, I learned something interesting from Nanette Havens, the long-time (over 20 years) Treasurer.
I asked her if I could quote her and she said yes. She said not only can the township hall renovation with the addition be done debt free, but there is money left over to fix one bridge, maybe two in the township. It would depend how much the second bridge costs. The renovation with addition PLUS one bridge ALL DEBT FREE for sure…that’s a win-win!
Then Mr. Van Riper also states he “will follow through with what the former supervisor Craig Maier initiated…” listing many things. Except he leaves out the biggest thing Craig pushed for…a new town hall that would put the township in debt.
I feel Mr. Van Riper is trying to ingratiate himself with the voters just to win the Supervisor position…as many politicians do. Once they get in, things change.
I feel Mr. Kwaske is doing the same thing.
Mr. Kwaske speaks about his experience of being a good fit for Treasurer…”business skills of team building, budget management…financial planning.” What I find troubling is in his statement…”Lima Township has a surplus of funds with no plans on spending them.” This makes no sense. No where in any of his answers does he mention the township hall issue…the elephant in the room for almost 20 years.
Township funds have been sitting in limbo while the town hall issue goes back and forth waiting for a resolution. Mr. Kwaske was very careful with his words. Attending board meetings, he describes the meetings as “a very confrontational environment…sense (the) tension” but never says why.
I’ve been to those meetings. It’s because of opposing views on the town hall. There is no way he is blind to it as his wife, Ann, is the Township Clerk. The only thing I know about Ann is what I observe. She tends to vote with Trustee Greg McKenzie. A Greg “mini-me.” And Greg has been pushing for a new hall for years…which will put us in debt. He is the one who said to me…laughing…”It’s not my money. It’s the taxpayers’ money.” Shameful!!! When you’re dealing with somebody else’s money, you err on the side of caution…stay out of debt…period! If you personally want to go into debt that’s your choice.
Reading Van Riper’s and Kwaske’s responses, it’s not hard to see what their position is on the township hall issue — new and putting the township in debt. With the debt free renovation with addition ready to go, this is a last ditch effort for the “new hall” supporters to get the new hall.
Replacing either Duane or Nanette would do it, changing the majority vote and putting the township in debt. One person makes the difference…SCARY!!!
As I stated in my July 6th, Letter to the Editor. The “General” had instilled in me early on that you only spend what you can afford (not going into debt) and respect the taxpayer’s money. My father, even as a 4 star General, NEVER forgot who he worked for…the taxpayers. Both Duane and Nanette on the board reflect those values. They need to stay for the good of the township.
Florence (Twinkie) Beach
Lima Township