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May 6: Introduction to Spring Wildflowers at Eddy Discovery Center

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathy Claflin for the information in this story and the Waterloo Natural History Association for sponsoring these programs.)

INTRODUCTION TO SPRING WILDFLOWERS:  2:00-4:00 p.m., Saturday, May 6 at the Eddy Discovery Center.

This is your opportunity to learn about the wildflowers popping up in our local forests right now. After a short program indoor, where you will find out why these plants produce flowers in the spring, Robert Ayotte will lead a walk along the Discovery Center trails to see what is budding and blooming. Hand lenses will be useful.

Cost: $2/person or $5/family. Eddy Discovery Center, 17030 Bush Road in the Waterloo Recreation Area near Chelsea. Program limited to 20 participants. Call to reserve a space at 734-475-3170.