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City / Township Notices

Click the links below to see other city, township, and legal notices:

Chelsea Area Fire Authority  |  Chelsea District Library  |  City of Chelsea  |  Dexter Township  |  Lima Township  |  Lyndon Township  |  Sylvan Township

City of Chelsea website:

Chelsea City Clerk:
Lyn Sebestyen
734-475-1771, ext. 208

See links below for more City and Township Notices

More News

Trash pick-up in the Chelsea delayed until Thursday

January 6, 2014

Chelsea District Schools closed Tuesday, Jan. 7

January 6, 2014

In photos: Chelsea in the snow

January 6, 2014

Winter Carnival 2014: calling all chili chefs

January 6, 2014

Letter to the Editor: Thank you Chelsea Teddy Bear Company

January 6, 2014

Jan. 6: Lengthy agenda for Chelsea City Council includes DDA bond resolution

January 6, 2014

Chelsea Area-Wellness Foundation: sometimes you can get something for nothing

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Chelsea wrestlers face tough competition at recent meet

January 6, 2014

CCA jazz ensemble, adult painting classes begin soon

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Help St. Louis Center by voting in the Infiniti Coaches’ Charity Challenge

January 6, 2014

Chelsea District Schools closed Monday

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Waterloo Natural History Association: 33 years as a support organization

January 5, 2014

Publisher’s column: snow and what you should know … about coverage this week

January 5, 2014

Please help the Chelsea School District by completing this important survey

January 5, 2014

Chelsea Hockey Team plays special part in NHL Winter Classic

January 5, 2014

Recent obituary: David Arnold, Audrey Morgan

January 5, 2014

Recent obituary: Elizabeth Jane ‘Betty’ Coval

January 4, 2014

Help celebrate the ‘semi-retirement’ of Dr. Art Tremper

January 3, 2014

SRSLY benefits when you dine in at Jets every Wednesday in January

January 3, 2014

Chelsea Area Garden Club elects new officers

January 3, 2014

Jan. 13: book Purple Rose Theatre audition appointment

January 3, 2014