(Chelsea Update would like to thank John Scaramucci for the information in this story.)
The Washtenaw County Conservation District and Washtenaw County Water Resources Materials Management Division are holding the 4th Annual Tractor Tire Drive on Nov. 2 from 9 am-noon at Freedom Township Hall (11508 E. Pleasant Lake Road, Manchester).
Since its inception, the drive has collected more than 83 tons of tires from the agricultural community, preventing them from leaching chemicals into groundwater and reducing the breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
Registration for the event is required as space is limited and there is a drop-off maximum of up to six tractor or 12 semi-tires per address/operation. Tires left outside of drop off hours may result in the cancellation of future tire drive events.
If you are interested in dropping off your large agricultural tires you can register online at washtenawcd.org/tractortiredrive or call (734-302-8715) to register by phone.