Dexter Township’s McGregor Road Bridge over Portage Lake Canal and Lima Township’s closed Liberty Road Bridge over the Mill Creek are two of the five local bridges that the Washtenaw County Road Commission will submit for Michigan Department of Transportation’s grant funding.
Each year, the Road Commission is limited to submitting just five applications for possible funding through the Local Bridge Program said Roy Townsend, managing director.
If any are selected, they would be funded in fiscal year 2016.
Townsend said these two bridges, were among those in the county that “have the highest chances of being selected for funding,” based on the state’s criteria.
Washtenaw County is competing with 10 other counties in the University Region for the funding and the Local Bridge Program funds 95 percent of the construction costs of the bridges while the Road Commission would be responsible for the design, right-of-way, construction engineering, and the local match for the construction costs.
It’s estimated that the McGregor Road Bridge project will cost about $1.5 million to be replaced, while the Liberty Road Bridge will cost about $1 million to replace.
The applications must be submitted to the state by May 1.