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Sept. 10: community-wide Bible study begins

 (Chelsea Update would like to thank Gretchen Zale for the information in this story.)

Based on the new movie “Overcomer”, this “Community-Wide” Bible Study begins Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2019, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m., and continues for four subsequent Tuesday mornings at the WSEC (Washington Street Education Center), 400 Building.

Sponsored by the Chelsea Free Methodist Church (CFMC), this study features Priscilla Shirer, who starred in the movie “War Room,” also stars in this movie, and leads the workbook/study group via video that includes snips from “Overcomer.”

Attendees may register on-line (; workbooks are $10 and are available Sept. 10.

All are encouraged to see the movie “Overcomer” beforehand, now showing in Ann Arbor and other area theaters.

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