(Chelsea Update would like to thank the City of Dexter for this information.)
The National Weather Service has issued a tornado watch in effect until 4:00 p.m. this afternoon for Washtenaw County.
Tornado Reminders
Warning signs – what to watch for:
- Dark, often greenish skies;
- Wall cloud;
- Large hail;
- Loud roar – similar to a freight train.
Where to take shelter:
- In a home: The basement offers the greatest safety. In homes without basements, take cover in the center part of the house, on the lowest floor, in a small room such as a closet or bathroom. Keep away from the windows.
- Driving a vehicle: Get out of the vehicle and take shelter in a nearby ditch or ravine; do not get under your vehicle. Lie flat and put your arms over your head.
- At work or school: Follow advanced plans to move to interior hallways or small rooms on the lowest floor. Avoid areas with glass.
- In open country: Lie in a gully, ditch or low spot in the ground and hold onto something on the ground if possible. Do not seek shelter in damaged buildings; they may collapse completely.
Preparation: Each tornado season, review with your family the area in the home that is designated as the shelter and practice having everyone in the family go there in response to a tornado threat. Develop an emergency communication plan in case family members are separated from one another.
Have disaster supplies on hand including:
- Flashlights
- Extra batteries
- Battery operated radio
- First aid kit
- Bottled water
- Canned food
- Can opener
- Extra clothing
For more information visit: https://www.washtenaw.org/1822/Emergency-Preparedness (Select Emergency Services Division from the “Quick Links”.)