Dear Editor:
Being a Democrat, I disagree with many Republican views and seldom vote for one.
However, I’m so appalled by the performance of two of the current Lima Township Officials – Supervisor Duane Luick and Treasurer Nanette Havens – that in the August Primary, I’ll vote for Republicans Bill VanRiper for Supervisor and Phil Kwaske for Treasurer.
Did you know we pay the Lima Township Supervisor $33,000 per year? During Supervisor Duane Luick’s 3 ½- year tenure, there have been FOUR Township Clerks. I’m told that they keep quitting because Luick demands that they do his job, along with creating an abusive work environment.
Luick’s son, Dale, is a Lima Township Trustee. So, three out of five board members are part of a small group of residents who typically call the shots based on what they think is best – for whom? – rather than what a majority of the township residents want.
Supervisor candidate Bill VanRiper is a farmer and savvy businessman with many years of experience serving on Farm Bureau and conservation boards. He’s also a hard worker, and will certainly do the job he’s paid to do. VanRiper has many contacts in all levels of State and Local Government. Plus he’s up to date on Township business and proper procedures.
Treasurer candidate Phil Kwaske retired in 2022 after 20+ years as an Automotive Manufacturing Engineer. During his career, he managed multi-million dollar vehicle launches so he clearly has important problem-solving skills, can adapt quickly to changing conditions, and can efficiently manage large budgets.
Trailcam photos reveal that Treasurer Nanette Havens has been taking down opponents’ election signs even though she denies it (punishable by up to 93 days in jail and a $500 fine). And I’m told her angry outbursts contribute to a hostile work environment in the township offices. Plus, there are several accounts of Havens asking residents attending to business at the office to vote for her. That’s illegal (elected officials are prohibited from campaigning while on duty). After 26 years in office, Havens clearly needs to go.
As soon as they take office, both challengers plan to:
– implement credit card, eCheck, and ACH payments for taxes and fees
– increase communication and transparency, and encourage participation by recording and live-streaming Township meetings
– improve office efficiencies
– be consistently available during Township business hours
They also plan to use any surplus funds for municipal services that benefit Township residents, based on residents’ feedback – not based on assumptions about what people want or the desires of a small faction, as is currently the case.
I feel confident that VanRiper and Kwaske will bring much-needed updating and other positive changes to Lima Township. Please vote for them in the August Primary and encourage your neighbors to do the same.
Teresa Kress
Lima Township
P.S. Please note that since no Democrats are running for these positions you can only affect change by voting in the August Primary. November is too late. And, you can only vote for candidates in one party or your primary ballot will be tossed out. if you’re a Democrat (or a Republican) living in Lima Township, in this primary it’s worth ignoring all Democratic candidates and supporting two Lima Township Republicans instead.
Also, after learning of VanRiper’s and Kwaske’s platforms and despite longtime resistance by Luick and Havens, the board recently voted to start accepting credit cards. And the Luick/Havens faction is suddenly claiming that live-streaming is part of the plan for the Township Hall renovations.