The 5-year Chelsea Area Fire Authority (CAFA) millage renewal was overwhelming approved 2,240 votes to 535 votes by the 2,786 people who cast votes in the four municipalities in which CAFA serves – the City of Chelsea and townships of Lima, Lyndon and Sylvan, according to unofficial results from Washtenaw County.
A majority of the voters in all four municipalities cast ballots in favor of the 2.3557 mills millage renewal.
“I’m extremely grateful and humbled by the support of the communities,” said Fire Chief Rob Arbini. “We still have more work to do, but we will continue to make more progress while striving to be the department the citizens deserve and the department expects.”
Of the total 13,491 registered voters in the CAFA district — 2,786 people cast a vote or 20.65 percent.
In the City of Chelsea, voters approved the millage, 997 votes yes to 126 votes no.
In Lima Township, 426 voters cast a yes vote, while 137 voters cast a no vote.
In Lyndon Township, the final totals were 416 yes and 140 no.
In Sylvan Township, 421 voters approved it, and 132 voters were against it.
CAFA Board Chairman Tom Osborne said, “I’d like to say thank you to the voters for their support and we’ll continue to improve.”
Voters were asked to approve a millage renewal in the amount not to exceed 2.3557 mills ($2.3557 on each $1,000 of taxable value) against all taxable property within the limits of the Chelsea Area Fire Authority for a period of five (5) years, 2024 to 2028, inclusive, for the purpose of providing funds for all purposes authorized by statute and law, including operating and equipping the Chelsea Area Fire Authority.