(Chelsea Update would like to thank Kathy Siler for the information and photo in this story.)
Between now and Aug. 6, volunteers from the Promotion & Education (P&E) Committee of Washtenaw County Farm Bureau will be visiting the offices of city and township clerks to thank them for their service in local government.
Quoting from a recent email sent to the clerks: “Your role is critical in the day-to-day operations of the cities and townships in Washtenaw County.”
Agriculture is an important part of our community, with over 1,200 farms and over $140 million in annual sales in Washtenaw County.
As a small token of our appreciation for your continued service and support, we would like to present you with a gift basket of Washtenaw County agriculture products to thank you for your service.
Included in the gift basket are these products:
Dairy Goodies
(Representing the dairy farms throughout Washtenaw Co.)
(Sharon Hills Honey • Sharon Twp.)
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix
Lavender Lip Balm and Spritz
(Lavender and Grace Family Farm • Manchester Twp.)
Maple Syrup:
(H&H Sugarbush • Sylvan Twp.)
(Bur Oaks Farm • Webster Twp.)
Succulent Plant:
(Fusilier Farms • Manchester Twp.)
Tallow Lotion Wrangler Remedies:
(Noggle Farms • Manchester Twp.)
Michigan Made Snacks:
Better Made Chips, Kars Snack Mix, and Pretzels
Also included is a sheet of Washtenaw County Agricultural Facts and an invitation to be our guest at our annual meeting in September.