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What Can Faith in Action Do For You?

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Shopping the Faith in Action Clothes Closet.
Photo by Lisa Carolin. Shoe shopping at Faith in Action.

By Lisa Carolin

Did you ever consider that Faith in Action could help you?

FIA offers many services, some based on income and residency, and some not based on those factors.

Chelsea and Dexter School District residents, Scio Farms residents, and those who live in the Grass Lake zip code of 49240 are eligible for FIA’s food pantries when income is below 200% of federal poverty guidelines. A chart on their website has income details.

FIA also offers several services open to everyone.

The clothing closet, located at 603 S. Main St., (just inside the north entrance of the Chelsea Hospital campus) is open to everyone and offers seasonal clothing, coats, and shoes, as well as small household goods, all at no cost. Anyone can shop every two weeks up to 12 times per year.

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Faith in Action also has household items.

“I’m living on a tight budget,” said clothing room shopper Elizabeth T., who was shopping for her three children. “When my kids outgrow clothes, I bring them to FIA. I feel blessed that people give to FIA, and when I can, I give back.”

FIA’s Chelsea office has durable medical equipment lending closet. Anyone is welcome to look in the equipment closet and take home what they need.

On staff is a Benefits Navigator, who can help with filing an application for SNAP, Medicaid, and other publicly funded programs. FIA’s professional social work staff can help anyone interested in connecting with needed resources.

Photo by Lisa Carolin. Faith in Action also has medical equipment available.

In partnership with the Financial Empowerment Center through Washtenaw County, FIA offers financial counseling to assist with setting up bank accounts, increasing credit, and tools for saving money.

Don’t hesitate to contact FIA with any questions. Call FIA Chelsea at 734-475-3305, or go to

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