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March 14: Digging Up Chelsea’s History with Joe Merkel

Courtesy photo. Joe Merkel, who will speak on March xx to the Chelsea Area Historical Society.
Courtesy photo. Joseph Merkel, who will speak on March 14 to the Chelsea Area Historical Society at a meeting.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Connie Stover for the information in this story.)

Have you ever wondered what might be buried in your yard from Chelsea’s past residents?

If so, please attend the Chelsea Area Historical Society Meeting on March 14, from 7-9 p.m. at the Chelsea Depot to hear Chelsea’s own auctioneer Joseph Merkel, talk about the more than 1,000 “privy dig sites” he has worked on with the Michigan Historical Artifact Recovery Team.

To most people, digging up old toilets would sound like a messy endeavor, but Joseph has had a real passion for saving what he calls “living history” ever since he was 10 years old. He has excavated several sites in Chelsea and can talk about what wonderful artifacts lay below our feet.

You do not need to be a member to attend.

For more information, click here.


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1 thought on “March 14: Digging Up Chelsea’s History with Joe Merkel”

  1. I’ve attended at talk by Joe a few years back about his glass collection. Very interesting. It will keep your interest. As for privies, I was privileged to witness one of these digs. I can’t wait to hear about more! I’d encourage you to come.

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