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Chelsea Parks Commission discusses survey, Rec-It Tuesdays for summer

By Lisa Carolin

The Chelsea Parks Commission is working on a survey and members discussed some of the updates to the 2015 survey during the group’s Feb. 4 meeting.

The plan is to make the public survey available on the Chelsea City website when it is ready, and the goal is to get at least 500 responses to the survey.

Also discussed was the Community Center Task Force, which was addressed at the Chelsea City Council meeting Feb. 3. Openings on the task force will be posted on the City’s website.

Regarding improvements in Pierce Park, Chelsea City Manager John Hanifan told the Commission that a snowstorm in November ended construction for the season and that the grading is not yet done. Pricing for the second gazebo and landscaping prices will be among the topics at upcoming meetings.

Rec-it Tuesdays, the weekly summer activities put on by various Chelsea organizations last summer, was also talked about by the Parks Commission. Tentative plans for the summer of 2020 include a pool night, volleyball, gaga ball, ultimate frisbee, kite flying, and chalk art at various locations around Chelsea between the hours of 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday nights.

The next meeting of the Parks Commission will take place on Tuesday, March 3, at  9 a.m. in City Council Chambers.

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