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Thank you from #ShopChelseaMich for a successful 2020 sidewalk sales

Theresa Helm, of Chelsea, winner of the #ShopChelseaMich gift basket.

(Chelsea Update would like to thank D&B Strategic Marketing for the information and photo in this story.)

Chelsea Sidewalk Sales 2020 and #shopchelseamich participating merchants would like to thank everyone who came to Chelsea during the 2020 Sidewalk Sales Event last weekend.

Theresa Helm, a Chelsea resident, was the lucky winner of the #shopchelseamich gift basket. The basket contained merchandise from Artisan Knitworks, Bumbles Dry Goods, The Common Grill, FarmSudz Underground, The Garden Mill, La Maison, Maureen’s Designs, Merkel Furniture and Carpet One, Smokehouse 52 BBQ, Ugly Dog Distillery and Vogel’s & Foster’s valued at $350.

Local economies rely on independent businesses to maintain a vibrant community. Jennifer Fairfield from The Garden Mill shared – “This was by far our best weekend since Christmas. The foot traffic in downtown was so good to see. Lots of people out and shopping while being mindful of social distancing and COVID precautions.”

#shopchelseamich is a group of independent business owners with entrepreneurial flavor and spirit. Their focus is on keeping the community healthy by providing reasons for people to shop in Chelsea with unique products and services.

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