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Angels soar during special Service of Remembrance Sunday

Family members light a candle during a Service of Remembrance Sunday.

Mothers and fathers. Wives and husbands. Brothers and sisters.

Nieces and nephews. Grandmothers and grandfathers. Daughters and sons. Great grandparents.

WWII veterans. University of Michigan fans. Hunters and fishermen. A drummer and a doctor.

A baker, an educator. Nature lovers and gardeners. Church volunteers and mentors.

Special glass angel given to family members.

In all, about 40-50 people were remembered Sunday afternoon at Chelsea Community Hospital during a special Service of Remembrance for those who had lost a loved one this year.

Hosted by the hospital, Cole Funeral Chapel and Staffan-Mitchell Funeral Home, the annual service has an about 8-year history said Rev. Kathy Schell, the hospital chaplain for 29 years.

She said the annual non-denominational service takes place after All Saint’s Day and before the holidays, “which are a difficult time for people who have lost a loved one.”

Any member of the community was invited to attend the service, fill out a card of remembrance and include a few words to be read about the person.

The names and messages were read by Allen Cole and John Mitchell, Jr. before family and friends lit a candle in memory of  them.

Some sentiments, such as “Go Blue, Beat OSU” brought brief laughter to the about 100 people assembled in the hospital cafeteria. But through the tears and sniffles, hugs and hand-holding, community members paused with their personal memories of family and friends with others seated in the room.

“May the memories of our loved ones light our way,” Schell said, then family and friends left the service with a special glass angel with their loved one’s name on it.

And a special connection with community members who understand all too well what each other was feeling.

Candles all lit during special Service of Remembrance Sunday.
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