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Aug. 5-7: WWRA Foam Recycling Weekend

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Shawn Personke for the information in this story.)

Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) will partner with the DART Container Corporation and community volunteers to host a #6 foam recycling weekend on Aug, 5, 6, and 7. 

DART will deliver a trailer to the WWRA Chelsea/Manchester Road bin site, across from the Chelsea Fairgrounds. Volunteers will be onsite to help collect and sort items brought in by community members during collection hours.

Marc Williams, WWRA facility manager, is glad to be bringing this opportunity to the community.

“Western Washtenaw residents are great recyclers. People want to recycle as much as they can, so when this opportunity came along, we decided to see how we could make it happen and it’s been a success since we started in June 2021,” he said in a press release.

Over the course of the last 14 months, the WWRA has collected several tons of #6 foam.

DART Container makes food and beverage packaging items and actively collects and promotes foam recycling opportunities throughout the country. After recycling #6 foam, DART sells it to “manufacturers of picture frames, interior molding, pens, rulers and foam packaging,” according to their website. Additionally, they recycle the paper scrap from their line of insulated cups, creating foodservice products made of recycled, recyclable and compostable or renewable materials.

Community recyclers need to know that only EPS #6 foam is acceptable. Examples of acceptable #6 include egg cartons, meat trays, some food take-out containers, medical coolers, and block furniture and electronic packaging. 

Items not accepted are building insulation boards and packing peanuts. Packing peanuts can be taken to Recycle Ann Arbor on Ellsworth. 

Volunteers will be onsite during collection hours to answer questions and help review foam items. Hours for the event are Friday, Aug. 5, 10 to 4 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 6, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Western Washtenaw Recycling Authority (WWRA) is a not-for-profit partnership of and subsidized by five municipalities (Townships of Dexter, Lyndon, Manchester and Lima, and the City of Chelsea) working together to find alternative ways to handle waste and promote reducing, reusing, and recycling. The townships are served by convenient drop-off centers while the City of Chelsea has weekly curbside recycling pick up.

For more information, visit

Courtesy photo. Dart truck at the Chelsea recycling bin site.
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