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Celebrate Park and Recreation Month this July

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Julia Strimer for the information in this story.)

America celebrates July as the nation’s official Park and Recreation Month, highlighting the vital role local parks and recreation play in communities all across the country.

This year’s theme is “Get Your Play On” and it’s all about discovering the power of play with your local parks and recreation facilities.

So. if you haven’t checked out Chelsea’s parks, July would be a great time to see what the city has to offer. There’s Pierce Park on Main Street made famous by the community’s favorite message board, The Rock and Timbertown on Sibley Road where there’s play equipment, picnic benches and sometimes even vintage baseball games taking place.

A short drive into Sylvan Township and you can experience all the outdoor adventures awaiting you at the Waterloo Recreation Area on Bush Road. There’s the Discovery Center and numerous lakes and walking trails where you can get back to nature.

Initiated in 1985 by NRPA (National Recreation and Park Association), this month’s theme encourages people of all ages to realize the importance of play in their lives. Play is a vital part of our mental and physical wellbeing, and local parks and recreation facilities are places where all people can play and have fun.

For more information, go to or search Twitter and Instagram using #PlayOnJuly.

Nationally, NRPA is celebrating Park and Recreation Month with a weekly contest encouraging people to show them why play is so important in their lives. NRPA also encourages all people that support parks and recreation to share why they think play is so important with the hashtag #PlayOnJuly.

For more information about the contest and Park and Recreation Month in general, visit

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