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Chelsea City Council OK’s resolution for Safe Routes to School

Chelsea logoThe Chelsea City Council unanimously approved a resolution of support for a Safe Routes to School grant application on Tuesday, July 9.

The city, the Chelsea School District and the Chelsea-Area Wellness Foundation would like to make infrastructure improvements near South Meadows Elementary School and Beach Middle School and has applied or about $400,000 in Michigan Department of Transportation and Michigan Fitness Foundation funds.

The money would be used for safety improvements and educational programs.

If the federal grant funding is approved, City Manager John Hanifan said the city would be responsible for between $32,000-$45,000 for engineering for design and construction costs and although the money is not in the current budget, it could be funded from the engineering fund.

The federal grant would pay 100 percent of the construction costs but the city would be responsible for costs overruns, permit and administration costs.

The City Council decided to schedule a special work session before the next regular council meeting to discuss the Chelsea Area Fire Authority (CAFA) Articles of Incorporation, by-laws and a “charter” for CAFA’s Policies, Procedures and Personnel Committee.

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