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Chelsea High School Key Club, Interact Club Can Drive Raises $1,300 for Alpha House

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

Members of Chelsea High School’s Key Club and Interact Club recently made a $1,300 donation to the homeless shelter Alpha House. The clubs were looking for ways to expand the scope of their community outside the immediate Chelsea area, and they knew homelessness has been more prevalent because of the pandemic.

A returnable can and bottle drive was organized, and members of the clubs collected and redeemed donations last month.

Attending the presentation of the donation to Alpha House were: Interact member Riley Scritchfield, Alpha House Director Ellen Schulmeister, Key Club President Emma Frederiksen, and Interact member Aaron Zivsak.

The clubs wish to thank those in the community who generously donated their returnable cans and bottles to raise money for this worthy cause.

They were so excited when they saw how many cans people left out for them. It was so much more than expected.

Because of the success of the drive, the clubs plan to repeat the effort later this year.

Go to for more information.

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