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Chelsea Kiwanis Club drive thru nut sale planned for Dec. 12

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

Chelsea Kiwanis Club listened to a Zoom presentation from members of Manchester High School’s Key Club, President Jacob Mann, Vice President Anna Cocco, and their faculty advisor and Chelsea Kiwanis member Wendy Arntson.

As sponsor of both the Chelsea and the Manchester Key Clubs, we enjoy sharing with them our activities, and hearing about their projects.

Mann reported that despite the virus preventing attending school in person, thus hindering recruiting efforts for new members, the 11-member club has met virtually every week since August. They began the school year by creating and delivering care packages to teachers.

Current projects include collecting for Toys for Tots and the Adopt a Family program through Manchester CRC. To further enhance their service in Manchester, they have established a partnership with the Lions Club to work together on projects.

Members from Kiwanis clubs in Michigan and elsewhere will receive Youth Protection Training via an online program to insure the highest standards of conduct are maintained when serving young people and when working with members of our Kiwanis family, Circle K, Key Club, Builder’s Club, K Kids, and Aktion Club members.

The club’s Mixed Nut and Chocolate Sale continues. Saturday, Dec. 12, there will be a drive-through sale from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. at Chelsea State Bank’s parking lot, corner of Main Street and Old US 12.

The 2.25-pound cans of nuts include cashews, almonds, pecans, Brazils, and pistachios (no peanuts). The 2-pound tin of candies includes dark chocolate covered almonds and pretzels, milk chocolate cashews and raisins, double-dipped chocolate peanuts, peanut butter pretzels, and milk chocolate toffee peanuts.

The price is $25 per can for either product.

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