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Chelsea Kiwanis Club hears about Chelsea library summer reading program

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

The Chelsea Kiwanis Club met with Chelsea High School Key Club officers and their faculty advisor, Marlene Segal, to talk about their plans for the 2020-21 school year.

Officers are:
President Emma Frederiksen
Vice President Ella Cowhy 
Secretary Makayla Kegerreis
Treasurer Kate Gaiser 
Independence Hall Coordinator/Liaison Natalie Bareis.

They are planning projects and recruiting 9th graders as well as the upper classmen to join in service and camaraderie.

At the weekly Kiwanis Club Zoom meeting we were joined by Shannon Powers, head of Information Services at Chelsea District Library. She reviewed the results of the library’s first Virtual Summer Reading Program. About 750 children and adults participated in the event designed to encourage everyone to read, especially children who have been away from school since March.

A three-part focus for the program asked readers to 1. Imagine your story, 2. Immerse yourself in literature, and 3. Write a story.

A software program called Beanstalk designed for schools and libraries was used because it was user friendly for readers to enter books they had read, and for the library to keep track.

About 400 prizes were awarded to participants for reaching reading goals and for completing activities. One activity asked readers to call the library and speak to the librarian for a book recommendation. 30 children picked up the phone to get advice on a good book for them. Prizes were books and coupons to ZouZou’s and Twisters.

The library considered the program a success considering the circumstances this year. So, a Winter Reading Program is in the works.

The Kiwanis 2nd Annual Mixed Nut and Chocolate Sale is underway.  A 36 ounce can of mixed nuts or tin of assorted chocolates sells for $25. A major source of our funding, our food concession trailer, remained unused this summer. We depend on the generosity of the community to purchase these items from us or offer their business as a sales location so that we can continue our support to worthy Chelsea groups. The products will be available at the end of October.

At the club’s next Zoom meeting on Monday evening, our own Haley Thomsen will present a program she has created for Key Club members in Michigan. It explains the relationship between the Kiwanis family of clubs: Kiwanis (for adults), Circle K (college), Key Club (teens), Builder’s Club (middle school), K Kids (elementary school), and Aktion Club (adults with disabilities).

Normally, Chelsea Kiwanis meets each Monday at 6:15 p.m. in the St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea Hospital cafeteria, and the speakers begin at about 6:45 p.m.

Go to for more information.

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