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Chelsea Kiwanis Club Launches Car Seat ID Stickers

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story.)

The Kiwanis Club of Chelsea has initiated a program to distribute car seat emergency identification stickers to families in our community. The stickers are free for the asking.

The stickers are designed to fit on the back or side of a car seat and provide medical and contact information for a child passenger in the event the caregiver is unable to provide the information to emergency responders.

Optimally, the sticker should not be visible from outside the car. The information on the sticker is consistent with Michigan Office of Highway Safety Planning recommendations last updated in 2016 –

We plan to offer the stickers at all events hosted by our club during the next year or two. In addition, we are reaching out to local pediatricians, day care centers, and public and private schools that serve infants and toddlers asking about their interest in the distribution process.

We are also considering the possibility of distributing them for parents to offer to baby-sitters and other temporary caregivers.

The Ann Arbor Kiwanis Thrift Sale is planning to reopen the first week of April. They report that they are well stocked.

The Gourmet Mixed Nut Sale continues. A 2+ pound can of healthy and delicious tree nuts sells for $25. We have sold out of the Delicious Delights and have only a few cases of nuts remaining.

Please visit our Facebook page or leave a message at our website  to order before they are all gone.

Go to for more information.

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