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Chelsea Kiwanis Club recognizes 2020 Key Club members

(Chelsea Update would like to thank Bob Milbrodt for the information in this story. All photos are courtesy photos.)

The Chelsea Kiwanis Club would like to recognize the 2020 Chelsea High School graduates who belonged to Key Club during their years at the high school.

Members wish them success in their endeavors and hope they keep the passion for service to others. Service is a win-win, helping recipients and making the server feel great while improving their skills.

Chelsea High School Key Club graduates:

courtesy photo. Oliva Blissick.


Olivia was in Key Club for two years.

She writes,”The best part about being a Key Club member is getting the opportunity to put others first and impact people’s lives in a positive way.

My most memorable Key Club moment would have to be the time I went bowling with the kids from Independence Hall and one of my friends got a strike right after she assured me she would never get one.

I plan to go to Eastern Michigan University to get a bachelor’s degree in visual art education and after I have gotten my degree, I hope to become an art teacher.”

Courtesy photo. Drew Broughton second from right.


Drew was in Key Club for three years.

The best part was “having my first outlet to volunteer.”

His memorable moment was “caroling for cans with my trumpet.”

He plans to attend University of Michigan for Mechanical Engineering.

Courtesy photo. Madison Brodeur.


Madison was in Key Club for 3 years.

Her best thing was “being able to help in my community in a positive way with my peers.”

Her most memorable moment was “going to Key Leader Camp and meeting so many amazing people.

I am planning to go to Eastern Michigan University for college and plan to stay involved as a leader and volunteer in my community.”

Courtesy photo. Megan Clark.


Megan writes, “I was in Key Club for two years. The best thing about being a Key Club member was giving back to the community and seeing just how much of an impact we can make.

My most memorable moment in Key Club was the can drive last year where we surpassed our goal by hundreds of cans. All of these donations were taken straight to Faith in Action located in our city.

My plans for the future include going to Western Michigan University to study interior design. I am also planning on getting involved in a community service organization through the school.”

Courtey photo. Morgan Kurth.


Morgan writes, “I was in Key Club for two years (one as just a member and one year as VP). The best thing about being a Key Club member was getting to know other service-doers in our community, such as Kiwanians and those in charge of Special Olympics Michigan.

My most memorable Key Club moment was doing the Polar Plunge for Special Olympics Michigan with my fellow Key Clubbers.

My future plans include pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering degree at Brigham Young University in the fall of 2020. I intend to then attend law school and establish a career in patent law.”

Courtesy photo. Edanjen (Dan) Lin, far right.


Dan was in Key Club for 4 years.

He writes, “I was able to not only provide help for my community, but inspire those around me to help too.”

His most memorable Key Club moment was “leaf raking at the same lady’s house for the past few years.”

He plans to attend University of Michigan for Mechanical Engineering.

He also writes he is “spending time with my cat Dusty, playing the piano, which is something I use as a break from everything around me.”

Responding to his Key Club faculty advisor Marlene Segal, “Also, thank you for all the support over the years. Between these past 4 years in Key Club, as well as Civics and Psych, I’m extremely grateful for the impact you’ve had on my high school career. Thank you.”

Courtesy photo. Haley Vandehey.


Hayley writes, “I have been in Key Club for two years. The best thing about being a Key Club member is that I get to serve others in the community.

My most memorable moment was bowling with the kids from Independence Hall.

I am thinking of going to Washtenaw Community College and majoring in music therapy.

Courtesy photo. Teresa Wasniak.


Teresa writes,”I’ve been in Key Club for one year.

My most memorable moment was bowling with the kids from Independence Hall.

Next year, I will be going to Eastern Michigan University for a major in elementary education and a minor in music.”

Chelsea High School teacher and faculty advisor to the Key Club, Marlene Segal, wrote to the graduates, “A big heartfelt thank you to all of you for your service to our club, school, and community. I will sincerely miss all of you and wish you the best of everything. Along your life’s journey, I hope you will continue to work to improve the lives of others with the kindness and compassion you have shown as Key Club members.”

Manchester High School graduates:


Megan was in Key Club for four years, vice president third year and president fourth year.

She writes, “being in Key Club has been an incredible experience. It has allowed me the incredible opportunity to make new friends and deeper establish old friendships, all while making our community and the world a better place. Key Club has taught me the importance of togetherness and teamwork, as well as how to be a better leader while still being an equal part of the team. Key Club has undoubtedly helped shape who I am today and the kind of leadership and teamwork qualities I possess. It has been quite a humbling experience to be able to help others in need and to know that all of our hard work goes to make others happier, healthier, safer, and just all-around better.”

Mary has been in Key Club for 4 years and has served as secretary and treasurer.

She writes, “My Key Club experience has truly helped me to gain a greater perspective of the world and has made me into a more compassionate, empathetic, grateful, and conscientious individual. With the abundance of service opportunities presented to me through Key Club, I have come to realize what a significant part of my life I want to devote to service to others. Additionally having the ability to work closely with others who are passionate about community service has encouraged me to reach out to more people about joining Key Club so that they too can see the truly positive impact it has on one’s high school experience.

“Volunteering is such a uniquely incredible opportunity unlike any other in that the volunteer often receives just as much as they are giving. It is a truly beautiful cycle in which volunteers become better the more they help others, and in turn, become further equipped to bring even more positive change and help those who need it. I have seen the effects of this in my own life, and the ways in which volunteering has made me a more conscientious, compassionate,  hard working, and empathetic citizen.

I plan to attend the University of Michigan Dearborn to pursue a degree in Health and Human Service with a focus in Pre-Physical Therapy. At the university, I plan to participate in Circle K and do my best to continue serving others in any way I can. After earning a bachelor’s degree, I hope to continue on to graduate school to work toward earning a master’s degree in physical therapy and take the NPTE to become a licensed physical therapist. I am also considering pursuing mission work along with my potential career.”


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