By Lisa Carolin
The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation is working on a regional intramural program for people ages 18 and older in the five towns area that includes Chelsea, Dexter, Stockbridge, Manchester, and Grass Lake.
That idea was presented by Matt Pegouskie, regional planning manager for 5HF, to the Chelsea Parks Commission at its Feb. 7 meeting. Pegouskie said that with approximately 62,000 people living in the 5HF area, it’s time to leverage the resources that exist such as the wellness centers and parks. He suggested examples ranging from wellness center classes to a senior softball classic – activities that get people out and involved in the 5HF service area.
Pegouskie said the idea was to fill in the gaps in programming rather than duplicating.
The next step for Chelsea is for City Manager Roy Atkinson to draft a letter of support allowing 5HF to use resources in Chelsea, such as Timbertown.
The Parks Commission gave a project update for Timbertown that included a motion to recommend a shelter for Chelsea City Council’s approval as well as recommending spending $23,000 of the remaining budget for other upgrades, which could include repair and/or new smaller play elements.
A subcommittee will be meeting to make specific recommendations.
Subcommittees will also be meeting in the next few weeks to discuss infrastructure and the Pathway to Renewal.
The Parks Commission agreed to reallocate the remaining $7,000 from the Veterans Park budget to the Pierce Park budget to move forward on playground items and bike racks.
A work session about the Chelsea Dog Park will tentatively take place on March 14 to discuss building a pavilion, creating a containment area for small dogs, and revisions to existing rules. Parks Commission members approved a recommendation to place a pavilion near the entrance of the Dog Park, which will be sent to the City Council for approval.
Timbertown was removed as a site for a community center according to Atkinson, who said that he and Steve Petty, CEO of 5HF, will be meeting with the Community Center Task Force to pursue the Freer and Trinkle property as well as the Chelsea Wellness Center as potential sites.
Upcoming dates that were discussed are: Feb.16 for the City Visioning Session at 6 p.m. at Silver Maples; Earth Day events beginning on April 22 at Timbertown; and an early selection of July 25 for the Parks Commission sponsored Rec-it Tuesday.
The next Parks Commission meeting is March 7 at 9 a.m.